Robust, Researched & Tested Sales Training
Porter Henry, a U.S. Airforce veteran trained sales professionals and sales managers using models that have been tested, researched and used at small and large companies globally. Starting with custom training and consulting, the company now has grown to develop the largest sales and sales manager curriculum for B2B selling.
Previously Porter Henry & Co. designed quality and custom trainings, and created many selling and managing skills to meet market needs. The programs have now been updated, adapted and revamped to meet sales challenges including: virtual Sales Coaching, virtual Group Presentations, and SalesAbility BOOST.

American Cyanamid Company
American Tobacco Co.
Arrow Electronics
BASF Corp.
Becton Dickinson
Black and Decker
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical
Borden Foods Corp.
Bristol-Myers Products
Bristol-Myers Squibb (2)*
CIBA Vision
Coca-Cola Company
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Connaught Laboratories, Inc.
Continental Insurance
Core-Mark International
Davis & Geck
The Dannon Company
Daymon Associates, Inc.
Discover Card Services
Dow Chemical (5)*
Duplex Products Inc.
Duracell U.S.A.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Inc.
Eli Lilly
Fellowes Manufacturing (2)*
Fisher Scientific
Fisons Pharmaceuticals
Forest Laboratories
G.E. Medical Systems Corp.
Hertz Equipment
Hill's Pet Nutrition (2)*
Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceutical, Inc.
House of Seagram
IMS America
Johnson & Johnson Consumer
Johnson Wax
Kendall Health Care Co. (2)*
Lederle Pharmaceuticals (2)*
Lever Bros.(2)*
3M Company
McCormack and Co., Inc.
McNeil Consumer Products (2)*
Memec, LLC
Miles Pharmaceutical (2)*
Miller Brewing Company
Nabisco, Inc. (5)*
NAPA Auto Parts
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
NEC United
New England Mutual Life Insurance
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical
Owens Corning Fiberglass
Pella Corp.
Pfizer Inc. (2)*
Phillips Medical (2)*
Plough, Inc.
Polaroid Corp. (2)*
Procter and Gamble
Purolator Courier
Rand McNally & Company
Rank, Hovis, McDougal, United Kingdom (4)*
Reuters Information Services
Rorer Consumer Products
Scott Paper Company
Serono Inc. (2)
Sheraton Corporation
SmithKline Consumer Products Co. (3)*
Snapple Beverages
Standard Register
Taylor & Francis Group
Time Distribution Services (3)*
Trane Co.
Uarco Incorporated
U.S. Surgical Corp.
Whistler Corp. (3)*
Winthrop Pharmaceuticals
Wyeth Laboratories
Zimmer (2)*
Zurich Insurance
( )* = Number of programs sponsored